
Most people go through life, searching for peace, love and happiness without knowing how to go about it and end up failing in their quest because real peace and true love only come from God. For this reason and because of the Commission of the Lord Jesus to share the Gospel, we aim to approach every person in our community to tell them that there is hope and life in our Saviour, all it takes is for people to individually accept Christ as their Saviour and renounce sin and surrender to His will.
Surrendering to Christ does not mean losing one’s self, rather it means that one gains life eternally – life reserved in Heaven for those who accept the salvation story – which is that God loves the world and gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
As a church, we acknowledge the grace of the Lord upon us and are aware of our primary mission which is to see people saved. We also aim to reach out to our communities in a caring and compassionate way, telling them of God’s unfailing love – Jesus’ love is unconditional and unending! All Jesus wants is to have a relationship with us. Therefore, all that matters is to have a relationship with Him, and not religion. We do this by visiting people in their homes, speaking to people on the streets, engaging the youth through indoor / outdoor activities and finally by organising various outreach events.
Our prayer is that God will help us reach out to more people who will receive the Gospel and live a life to the glory of the Master – a life without fear, a life with no more tears, a life of joy, peace and praise to the Almighty God. Amen