by editor | Dec 7, 2019 | Inspirational
If the goal of Christianity were for having philosophical and academic conversations, then the objective would only be to study. But since the goal is to become Christlike, the objective therefore is to study, obey and live by the Word.
by editor | Dec 7, 2019 | Inspirational
For all we may think we are worth, it is good remember it is all a privilege. It is not a reason to be boastful or prideful. It is a reason to humbly serve and inspire those who are not as privileged as we have been.
by editor | Dec 7, 2019 | Inspirational
We love because we have been loved We forgive because we have been forgiven We give because we have been blessed All we possess we have been freely given. What does a man has that has not been freely given to him from above
by editor | Dec 7, 2019 | Inspirational
When your roots are deep in Christ there is no need to fear the storm
by editor | Dec 7, 2019 | Inspirational
Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He was not at all surprised by your birth. In fact, He expected it. So you are not an accident; God has a purpose for your life! – Ricky...
by editor | Dec 7, 2019 | Inspirational
Don’t be anxious when you feel the seasons changing in your life; they come and they go just as the tide rises and falls. Therefore, never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn for you!— Harriet Beecher Stowe