
1. To advance the Christian faith through regular sunday praise and worship service.
2. To build a community of people becoming disciples to reach their full potentials in
Christ Jesus through:
- Sound balanced biblical teachings.
- Worship and Prayer.
- Evangelism.
- Serving – Using Gods gifts and talents for the edification of others.
- And having healthy relationships with one another as a family of God and with our communities.
- To see a stable, dependable individual christian, whose faith can be tested with fire and will always stand.
- To see individual Christians daily pursuing excellence of character, attitude and love.
3. To organise edifying family programmes to encourage healthy relationships between complete family unit, the single-parents and the singles through:
- Family life and relationship seminars.
- Christian film shows.
- Away tours.
- Social functions.
- Drama.
- Love feasts.
4. To plant churches locally, nationally and internationally.
5. To be involved in community projects that will reach out to the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated, the confused and anyone needing hope and encouragement
6. To engage in youth projects that will help them exercise their minds positively through recreational games and other spiritually healthy social engagement.
7. To establish training and day care centres for the non-working and working single-parents.
8. To establish a bible school that will teach and help believers develop their gifts and talents for the use in the household of God and the communities in general.