About Us
Christ Messiah Ministry (CMM) started in 1992 as an evangelical ministry ordained by God as a prophetic voice to Christian families, starting with the single-parents and the singles, and then the whole family unit. Because we were not called to be a local church, we were able to go about the ministry through organising seminars at different locations. Also, we were receiving invitations to minister in churches and bible colleges. It was great and God opened many doors to us and also drew many people to our seminars. In 1995, God added the Pastoral Ministry to us, which led to the birth of Christ the Messiah Church in 2003.
The aims of our church are:
- To advance the Christian faith. Build a community of people that grow to become true disciples, helping them to reach their full potentials in Christ Jesus, through sound balanced, unadulterated biblical teaching.
- To help believers find and develop their gifts and talents for use in the body of Christ and the community.
- To pursue with commitment and zeal the work of witnessing and soul winning.
- To reach out to Christian families as a prophetic voice of God through seminars, invitation from churches, writing of books, etc.
- To reach out to the community and help in curbing crime, drug-abuse etc.