This is a spiritual wake-up call to all Christians to rise up, to pray and cry out to God, who alone can bring an end to this wave of Coronavirus – a relentless plague ravaging and consuming lives, which has brought powerful nations to a complete lockdown.
But God is Mightier than the waves of this Pandemic.
Scientists all over the world are seeking day and night for a solution, but still there is no clear end in sight, hence their predictions are that of fear and impending doom.
But God is our hope to the end of this Pandemic.
Doctors and Nurses and other health workers are working flat out to save the lives of those affected by the virus. May the Lord reward them greatly.
But what about us – you and I, the children of God – Christians! What role should we play? It should be to pray to our heavenly Father to intervene and cause this pandemic to come to an end.
Instead, like the World, many of us are still busy calling and texting each other on the many ways to prevent contacting the virus. While this may seem good in itself, our priority should be to pray to the God who is Mightier than the waves of this Coronavirus.
At the moment, Church buildings are on lockdown in obedience to the Government’s instructions, but the Church – God’s people should not be on lockdown too.
God is not on lockdown. He cannot be lockdown. He is still active in His loving kindness and compassion. His ears are not on lockdown. He is still a prayer listening God and a prayer answering God. Christians please rise up to pray!
Yes, you may have been praying for your loved ones and maybe for your country. But this is the time for the prayer of intercession for the whole world and the people in it. The Bible says in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”
It also says in 1 Timothy 2:1 – “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men” – not only your loved ones or people in your locality but for people all over the world.
Therefore I call on all Christians today, to pray and cry out to God in your homes, in your rooms and ask God to count you amongst those He can rely on to stand in the gap for the end of Coronavirus.
If the people in England can choose a specific day in which to applaud the Doctors, Nurses and Health workers from their individual homes, which is very good. We as Christians should clap and do more than that, we should pray!
Please share with others, so that we can build an Army of Christian intercessors.