Text: Psalm 95:1-7
Psalm 95 vs 1 encourages us to shout joyfully to God. To shout joyfully means to rejoice irrespective of our circumstance. We rejoice and worship before God because He is our God by creation and redemption.
In this age, the church needs to worship God more and with understanding. A. Z. Tozer says worship is the missing jewel of the Church. When our worship grows stale, so does our passion for God.
What worship is not
True worship is not an event. That people attend worship service does not guarantee that the people will worship.
Worship is not just music. Music is a vehicle to take people to the place of worship.
Worship is not a performance. When worship becomes commercial; it ceases to be worship. Today people expect performances.
Worship is not a feeling. Although worship can be emotional but being overemotional does not imply true worship.
What worship is.
Worship is a response to God. 1 John 4:19 says – “We love Him because He first loved us”.
Worship is heartfelt. John 4:43 tells us that those who will worship God will do so in spirit and in truth. For the father is seeking such to worship Him.
Worship is that which values God above everything. Mark 12:30 says Love God with all your heart, soul and mind. No one or thing or Pastor should be of higher value to us than God.
Worship is a choice – Psalm 138 vs 1-2. We all have a choice to make God supreme in our praise and worship service.
Worship is a response to who God is. While Praise is a response to what God does for us.
How should we worship God?
We are to worship God corporately. In our text Psalm 95, the Psalmist uses the plural pronoun “US” to call for worship – “Let us”. And he uses it six times.
Although we can worship God individually, there is a special dynamic of God’s presence in corporate worship. This is reinforced in Heb 10:25 where Apostle Paul encouraged us not to forsake corporate worship.
We can also worship God physically. Psalm 47:1 and Psalm 134:2 indicate that we are to dance, clap and move our bodies during worship. Worship involves actions and attitude. Worship is a matter of obedience. Some put on a show of worship but don’t obey the Lord all week long – Mark 6:46.
Worship is lifestyle. May our lives be filled truly with sincere worship.