When in a doubtful relationship ask where does this person belong in my life? * How much am I prepared to invest in them?
Life’s too short to be spent straightening out misunderstandings, hurt, feelings and damaged egos. If you are wise you will avoid any relationship that drains you and leave you asking – “How did I get into this?”
When keeping somebody happy means drawing you back on the purpose of God in your life and you are not happy and losing your Joy – You have overdrawn the budget for your life
When someone needs too many phone calls, and other forms of regular attention. It is time to draw a line – You have only so much time and energy.
Good stewardship demands that you invest your life where there is the greatest return?
When people who are too needy demand more than you have ability or the right to give, you have got to do one of two things:
1) Renegotiate and bankrupting yourself to make them feel good?
This might sound noble, but it is not. Bankrupt people end up with everything from nervous breakdown to many other sicknesses. At this point, Prayer, a good counsellor, and tough love, may be what is needed.
Make up your mind to let no one stand in the way of doing what God has called you. Your first calling is to please the Lord, not others.
When important decision that affect your future must be made, you must be able to hear God. And if you can’t hear God, you must be able to hear His representative (Pastor) over you. * “I am afraid” does not give glory to God.
You must realize that you cannot change a man’s colour for the purpose of what you want. Unless you want to put on a wolf, a sheep clothing.
Note – A broken relationship is far better than a broken marriage: * In an uncomfortable relationship, a delayed action to get out will eventually lead to hurt and pain.