GALATIANS 4: 4-11; 5:1
The Galatians had once been under bondage to idols. Before their conversion they were unbelievers who worshiped idols and reveled in worldly sin. Now they are turning to another type of bondage – bondage to the law.
How can they excuse their conduct? They had come to know God, or even if they did not know Him in a deep experiential way, at least they were known by Him – He saved them. But they were again putting themselves in bondage to things that could neither save nor enrich, but could only impoverish them.
The Law and all its ceremonies are labelled as weak and beggarly by Paul. And are positive hindrances when substituted for the Lord Jesus. The Galatians were observing the Jewish calendar with its Sabbaths its festivals and seasons, and days and months and years.
Paul expresses fear for those who profess to be Christians, yet seek to find favour with God by legal observances. Legal observances gives some people intense satisfaction to feel there is something to win God’s approvals and blessings.
If Paul could write in this manner to Galatians, what would he write to the professing Christians today, who are seeking to attain holiness by legal observances:
—-Humanly ordained Priesthood
—-Distinctive Vestments for the Priest, Bishops, etc.
—-Sabbath Keeping
—-Holy Places, Candles, Incense.
—-Holy Water
—-Constant night vigils (yet with so much offering taken before day break)
—-Introduction of Celibacy by the rule of Man to Man
—-Man proclaimed extreme fastings etc
All of the above are man-ordained doctrines and not of the Bible – that means not of God. God will not put on us such drastic means of receiving His blessings. He has made once and for all the promises for our salvation and blessings that is in Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Saviour which we receive by faith. Hence every blessing is by faith in God.
Apostle Paul was very concerned about these man-made doctrines concerning Israel and He wrote in Romans 10:1-5 where He said “Brethren my desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. I know what enthusiasm they have for God but it is a misdirected zeal. For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with Himself. Refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law. For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in Him are made right with God. And so you see, those man-made doctrines are misdirected zeal because refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God.
Romans 8:1 says “So now there is no condemnation to those who belong to Christ Jesus……” You are no longer under condemnation because Christ has set us who believe in Him free. Galatians Chapter 5:1 says we are to live as free man. The difference between Law and grace is that the Law would say: “If you earn freedom, you will become free.”
But Grace says: “You have been made free at the tremendous cost of death of Christ.” In gratitude to Him, we should stand fast therefore in the liberty which Christ has made us free.
Law commands, but does not enable. Grace provides what law demands, then enables man to Live a life consistent with his position by the power of the Holy Spirit and rewards him for doing it.
C.H. Mackintosh says, “The law demands strength from one who has none and curses him if he cannot display it”. “The Gospel gives strength to one who has none, and blesses him, in the exhibition of it. ”
The Lord Jesus is not only a complete saviour, but also an exclusive one.