Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the sons of God – 1 John 3:1a

This love, God’s Love is continually made evident in our lives by the redemptive sacrifice on the cross, His acts of forgiveness and healing and His ever present help in times of our troubles.

Moreover, the bequeathed son-ship was never without a price; it was paid for by an expression of a selfless Love demonstrated in Christ Jesus giving up his own body even unto death that we might have life and be saved.

As Disciples of Christ, the pleasant news is that we also find empowerment to show such great Love through the Holy Spirit deposited in us by the Father:

For God’s Love has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us – Romans 5:5b.

He therefore expects from us nothing short of radiating His love in return to Him, our fellow brethren (in Christ) and even the world; for the world knows Him not (1 John 3:1b). This responsibility of Love to God and to one another is hereby not presented to us as an option to ponder rather as a command to act upon:

A new commandment I give you that you love one another; as I have loved you that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another – John 13:34-35.

 Surely, it is humanly impossible to love in God’s way, only by the Holy God of love in you.


–         Giving in form of

  • Service in the Church (and there are many departments we give ourselves in service)
  • Sacrificial Giving (God knows you don’t have so much but He knows how much you can give)
  • We can serve as intercessors in Prayers
  • By Evangelising (telling others about the story of Love of Chirst)

But when you love yourself and shut God out, it actually means you don’t really love yourself because the only way to truly love yourself is by loving God.

If we can’t love ourselves by Loving God, then how are supposed to love our neighbours.

C.         Rewards of Showing God’s Love

When we show God’s Love in kind and deeds, it is credited to our heavenly account.

The show of Love because God said so, credits our heavenly account.

Finally, I pray that we, all may Love as Christ has Loved us.