Text: Ephesians 5 vs 15-17

We find ourselves in an age where the price for distraction is very affordable. In fact with the influx of technology and its advances, both hi-tech and low-tech gadgets/applications have emerged that readily compete for slots in the TIME that we should have for ourselves daily. Most of the time, the use of these products consume us to the extent we begin to relegate more important things to the background. Unfortunately, our relationship with God often falls into this relegated category.

It is said that in the heart of a godly man is a disciplined spiritual life.
The bible clearly points out what we should do with our time. For it is written, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

We all have lots of events that scramble for time in our lives but the truth is that we can never have enough time to everything we want to do but we have enough time to do everything God wants us to do that is stated in His word.

Our time on earth is limited yet precious, that is, we need to prioritize and put God first in all we do because if we don’t the world will teach us how to use it in the most unprofitable way.

Finally, Christ commands that we put God first and seek Him first before other things. In fact the Bible further puts it that NOW IS THE TIME FOR SALVATION. Remember every “NOW” that we have is an opportunity to prepare for ETERNITY.