Text: Luke 18 vs 18 -27
The encounter between the Young Rich Man and Jesus Christ speak volumes to us in this present day. Just as that Rich Man with all his wealth and seeming piousness went to Christ in his regalia of self-justification; He however left Christ’s presence sad since his expectation was not met.
Apparently, he went looking for APPROVAL not Eternal Life. In essence, by leaving there sorrowful, he was saying in effect “I CAN’T”. I CAN’T leave all my wealth and position for eternal life.
How many times have we found ourselves in similar situations only to reply – “LORD, WE CAN’T”.
In fact instances abound in our lives when the reality of our experiences does not agree with the expectations from our dreams and at such moments all we do and say is “WE CAN’T” do this anymore then we quit. Joseph had all the opportunities and privileges to quit, but he didn’t because he learned that trusting and waiting on the Lord means following the Path (direction) he has set before us and HE who has promised these things will surely bring them to pass in His own time and make everything else beautiful.
The dreams, thoughts, ideas, hopes that burn within us are similar to the foetus of a Pregnant woman. This foetus grows and painfully hurts the woman; though she in pain and even though the body feels like I CAN’T CONTINUE, yet she endures this pain and focuses on the joy of childbearing which is ahead. However in our case, our foetus are usually invisible but as it grows it also bears its own pain but instead of enduring this incubating pain we are quick to retire by apply the PAIN-KILLER – I CAN’T and ultimately kill the dreams or abandon the path we thread which could have been a path of victory and success.
I CAN’T is a PAIN-KILLER, it kills the PAIN during incubation hence denying manifestation of dreams.
I am pregnant and You are pregnant of good thoughts, dreams, future, good etc. which all bear their own pains and troubles in our lives but we all need to be cautious of the pain killer, “I CAN’T” and not lose FOCUS but say to our self the words of the Master – What is impossible with man is Possible with God who is with me.